Urban Thai’s Charity Dinner: Come for Thai Food, Pay for a Cause

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We’re proud to announce that Urban Thai will be holding a charity dinner on 30 April, 2014 starting from 6 in the evening well into midnight.  That’s on a Wednesday so kindly mark your calendars now.

168 RMB gets you a full meal which includes a starter, soup, main dish, dessert and a drink—a sumptuous, authentic sampling of Thai cuisine which Urban Thai is known for. 

And the best part is that all the profits of the event will go to our charity Morning Tears. (RSVP details are the end of this article.)

A few notes about Morning Tears.

Founded by Belgian Koen Sevenants, it’s a non-profit organization which aims to support kids whose parents are in prison.  All over the world, there are thousands of children who face the grim reality of enforced abandonment, just because their parents had been sent to prison. 

Since 1999, Morning Tears has been a support group for them, providing psychological and emotional guidance, a refuge and a home, and even facilitating their visits to their parents in jail.  morning tears image 2.JPG

On top of that, Morning Tears has also been providing financial aid to various organizations and projects all in the interest of child protection, while coordinating too with government bodies.  The trauma these kids have had to endure is no light matter, and they need all the assistance they can get to ease their way back into a happy childhood. 

Social Eating + Social Responsibility

This charity dinner is a first for Urban Thai in Dagu Lu, and so we’re obviously excited about it.  Urban Thai has been around for just a couple of months and so we’re still technically new to the area.  We’re overwhelmed though by the warm reception of the public to our humble restaurant and the Thai food we offer.

So this is our way of giving back to the community, our way of showing support and care.  Our generation is more socially aware and involved now, and we can’t just let important issues pass us by.  If that Wednesday evening on the 30th becomes a success, we hope to have more charity dinners in the future.

Of course, that success is a group work, participated by us and you and everyone in the community.  So bring your family, bring a friend, bring your loved one on April 30, and have a pleasant dinner for a cause. 

It’s time we bring social eating and social responsibility together in the equation.


Due to limited seating, Urban Thai kindly requests your RSVP.

Email us at or call


Dagu Lu location : 6327-1800
Changle Lu location : 3250-3863

You can book also book on our website. Leave a comment in the special request box and write morning tears dinner.

Read more about Morning Tears in their website.

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  • Special menus

    • SET LUNCH:
    • menu_symbol 58 RMB deal:  
    •   - 1 dish  
    •   - 1 drink  
    • menu_symbol 68 RMB deal:  
    •   - 1 starter or 1 soup  
    •   - 1 dish  
    •   - 1 drink  
    • menu_symbol 88 RMB deal:  
    •   - 1 starter   
    •   - 1 soup  
    •   - 1 dish  
    •   - 1 drink  

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